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127 products
Micro Pea Shoots Style
Tendril type pea for shoots.
CN Seeds
Micro Nasturtium Blue Pepe
Small dark leaf selection for young leaves. Spicy in flavour and also has edible flowers.
CN Seeds
Micro Coriander Splits
Fast germinating/growing coriander
variety selected for microgreen growing.
CN Seeds
Micro Sunflower Black Seeded
For sunflower shoots, very fleshy and high yielding.
CN Seeds
Micro Amaranth Red Aztec
Our new introduction, Red Aztec is an improvement on Red Army for strength of the red colour.
CN Seeds
Micro Pea Shoots CN SPEA 4019
Leafy type for shoot, very vigorous.
CN Seeds
Micro Radish Rioja
All red radish for microgreens, fast growing. Will show a small percentage of greens.
CN Seeds
Micro Broccoli Green
Green broccoli for microgreens, known to be very nutritious.
CN Seeds
Micro Basil Sweet Genovese
Classic Italian green basil, vigourous and uniform.
CN Seeds
Micro Sorrel Red Lava (CN SOR 5953)
A new selection of Red Veined sorrel, shows more pronounced veins at an earlier stage.
CN Seeds
Micro Radish Sangria
Classic microgreen item. Very fast and good yielding. Distinct red stem with a green leaf.
CN Seeds
Micro Red Cabbage
Dark green leaves with red stem. Mild cabbage flavour.
CN Seeds
Micro Perilla/Shiso Bi-Coloured
An attractive bi-coloured perilla, leaves green on top with a red underside.
CN Seeds
Micro Pea Shoots CN SPEA 4018
Smaller seeded pea shoot variety, non-tendril leafy type.
CN Seeds
Micro Mexican Marigold
Highly serrated leaves with a distinct tangy, tropical-fruit like taste > VAT will be added at checkout.
CN Seeds
Micro Kale 1010
Fastest Brassica for microgreen, can be used for salad cress.
CN Seeds
Micro Leek
A little slow to grow but gives a lovely onion-like flavour from thin leaves.
CN Seeds
Micro Radish Daikon
White stem radish with the spiciest flavour.
CN Seeds
Micro Salad Rocket Victoria
Fast growing young leaves with the classic rocket punch.
CN Seeds
Micro Chives Garlic
Classic Chinese chive, thick leaved with a nice garlic flavour adding to the chive taste
CN Seeds
Micro Basil Red
Deep red selection for microgreens, may show a small percentage of greens.
CN Seeds
Micro Parsley (Flat) Italian Giant
Flat Parsley for microgreens.
CN Seeds
Micro Borage
Multi-purpose variety. Can harvest young leaves for a crunchy product, attractive blue flowers are also edible.
CN Seeds
Micro Buckwheat
Buckwheat grows tall quickly, is nutrient packed and gluten free.
CN Seeds
Micro Mustard Red Carpet
Beautiful triple red. Cotyledons, stem and both sides of the true broad leaves show a striking deep red.
CN Seeds
Micro Mustard Wasabina Improved
New and improved on the old Wasabina, a more refined serration and a cleaner leaf.
CN Seeds
Micro Mustard Red Lace
A deeper red selection of Red Frills type.
CN Seeds
Micro Cornflower Polka Dot Mix
A mix of colours. Flowers can be delicate.
Semi-dwarf mix, wide colour range. 40cm
CN Seeds
Micro Nasturtium Alaska Mix
A mottled white and green nasturtium for young leaves. Very spicy flavour. VAT will be added at checkout.
CN Seeds
Micro Pak Choi Purple Rain F1
Very deep red, both cotyledons and true leaves show a deep purple/red colour.
CN Seeds
Micro Basil Lemon
Mid green leaves have the classic basil taste but with a citrus background.
CN Seeds
Micro Perilla/Shiso Red
Very popular red shiso for microgreens, mild herb like flavour.
CN Seeds
Viola Sorbet Mix F1
Gives a wide range of colour when flowering, tastes mostly mild with a hint of spice. VAT will be added at checkout.
CN Seeds
Micro Sorrel Red Veined
Beautiful red stem cutting through round leaves with the classic sorrel citrus notes.
CN Seeds
Micro Sweetcorn for Shoots
For sweetcorn shoots, best when forced for a very sweet crunchy young plant.
CN Seeds
Micro Basil Thai
Popular Thai Basil - hint of red on the stem with an aniseed note accompanying the usual basil taste.
CN Seeds
Micro Dianthus Carpet Mix F1
Early flowering series, compact habit with masses of 4 cm single blooms in the classic red, pink and white colour combinations. Useful edible flower item. 20 cm > VAT will be added at checkout.
CN Seeds
Micro Dill Dukat
Vigorous variety suited for microgreen production.
CN Seeds
Micro Celery Leaf
Mild celery flavour from nicely serrated leaves.
CN Seeds
Micro Beet Bulls Blood Vancouver
Red Beet leaves with an earthy, spinach-like taste.
CN Seeds
Micro Mustard Red Frills
Finely cut red mustard with a mild mustard flavour.
CN Seeds
Micro Korean Mint
Gives a mint like flavour but with much more spice.
CN Seeds
Micro Calendula Daisy Mix
Mainly yellow and orange flowers with a tangy, slightly bitter taste.
Single flowers in a range of yellows and oranges. 15cm
CN Seeds
Micro Mizuna CN
Classic serrated Mizuna, a staple microgreen.
CN Seeds
Micro Fennel Green
Green Fennel for Microgreens. Feathery leaf foliage with a sweet aniseed flavour.